SEODigital Marketing : Can Be Successful Even In This Digital Age

Digital Marketing : Can Be Successful Even In This Digital Age

, March 2, 2017

How Traditional Marketing Techniques Can Be Successful Even In This digital-marketing-age.

In the recent time, the huge shift towards digital marketing has taken the marketing budget of most of the companies. This comes with the ever-increasing popularity of online shopping and this makes sense for the brands to invest in the digital marketing methods over the conventional ones as this is where the majority of the money is made. In fact, digital marketing is the targeted and most precise form of marketing as here different types of metrics and analytics can help the business owners to identify how many people they are actually reaching and how people are responding to these marketing methods.

Digital marketing techniques are here to stay, but many practices of these techniques are drawn from the conventional marketing techniques. Learning how these old influences work, can help you to plan your present digital strategy.

• From billboards to Facebook:
In a number of cases, the new technology delivers the old obsolete, but this doesn’t happen with digital-marketing-age.
As an example, you can consider billboards. The main function of billboards is to put any service or product in front of the targeted audiences. Different areas have different types of demographics and therefore they also have the different variety of billboards.

The social media platforms like Facebook ads and twitter work quite similarly, except the reason that these platforms can transcend location. It means rather than walking past a billboard near the home, the viewer can swipe things past on the phone and the ad is also specifically aimed at the viewer.

This is why; social media transformed billboard advertising into something special. So, it can be said that social media ads mainly take the basic principles of billboards and therefore masterfully refined those. Ultimately, the main goal here is to be visually appealing.
• From flyers to email marketing in digital-marketing-age:

Printing the flyers out can be a great way of marketing a company. But as most of the flyers are discarded or thrown away immediately, therefore printing the flyers off can make it worthwhile. Though printing can be costly and labor cost is also associated with distribution. With email marketing, these costs can significantly be cut down as there are no distribution or printing costs. Email marketing and flyers are quite similar as both techniques work as numbers game where the sender sends out thousands with the hope to find the right person. Email marketing is an easier and cheaper alternative of the same principle. But as a whole, email marketing and flyers can never be the backbone of any campaign, but when used effectively, these can be viable supplements digital-marketing-age.

Apart from these two, there are many other techniques of traditional marketing available, which have been revolutionized or adapted completely for the digital world. So, for every business owner, it is necessary to look at every facet of this digital marketing world while considering the traditional marketing counterpart. Ultimately, this is all about getting noticed by the prospective clients, which is the main fact. The main fact has never changed and it will never.

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